Saturday 12 April 2014

#4 Package Arrival

- Special Edition Arrivals -

#4 What Just Came In

Okay, to be honest....this isn't very recent. I've had this post saved as a draft for over a month now, I just kind of forgot about this blog (again). But hey, something is better than nothing right?
You might be wondering why I have two of the exact same airbrushes pictured below. The answer would be because I accidentally dropped the needle chuck from one of the airbrushes down the drain while I was cleaning it - preparing for the final review. Of course that would also be the reason the final review hasn't been uploaded yet (really sorry by the way).
So as to not make this too short, I'll let you guys in the story: I bought the first one from HLJ as a replacement to my Badger Krome which I had sold. SO I was really keen to finally have it in my hands and use it. Of course being the sicklad that I am, I wanted to make a review for you guys, just to inform all the people out there looking at this airbrush in particular before investing their hard earned casholah. So it finally arrived an I was psyched.
I immediately took pictures of it for the blog. After all that was done, I decided that the best way to fully test it out was to completely paint the kit solely with this airbrush....and that's exactly what I did. I picked out the MG Wing Gundam EW as the candidate for this experiment and shot through all sorts of paints with the airbrush. I used:
  • Acrylic Primers
  • Tamiya Acrylic Metallics
  • Tamiya Acrylics - Gloss and Flat
  • Tamiya Enamels - Gloss and Flat
  • Tamiya Enamel Clear Paints
  • Top Coat - Gloss and Matte Varnishes
As you can see, that is quite the list of paints and ranging from all sorts of acrylics to all sorts of enamels. Not to ruin the (already late) review but it shot through all these paints without a single problem. Not even the metallic had an effect on the airbrush (metallic are prone to clogging up fine airbrushes because they tend to be a little thinker than regular paints). So as you may be able to tell, I was quite happy with the results. Now when I had finally completed painting the kit and was preparing the airbrush for its final cleaning before the review, I accidentally dropped the needle chuck down the drain. It was definitely one of those slow motion moments where you cant help but watch in regret. So as everyone who's watched a few cartoons would do, I attached a magnet to a piece of flossing wire and lowered in down the pipe. I was soon to find out that the piece is not even metal, so I picked up nothing at all. So that happened and kind of sucked a little - actually, quite a lot.
When I completed cleaning the rest of the pieces, I immediately looked up on eBay and all these other sites for a replacement needle chuck. There were barely any available (Iwata HP-C Needle Chuck) and the fact that I live here in Australia really doesn't help. In fact, the cheapest I could find one would cost me $60 and its not even metal! I was pretty devastated and went to be a sad man.
In the morning I checked again except this time, I decided to have a gander at Gumtree (couldn't lose hope yet) and to my surprise, there was someone selling their brand new Procon Boy for $50. Better yet, I was even able to get it for $50 including shipping. So now as you can imagine, my spirits were lifted. I contacted him straight away and gave him my offer. It took him around 2 das to replay and said that he'll do it! I was pretty ecstatic but it all seemed too good to be true so I was a little suspicious. Hey what is there to lose right ? (Apart from the hard earned cash of course.) But I decided to take a gamble anyway. I sent him over the money and it took him another 2 days to respond so in that time I was kind of getting nervous. He did end up replying back saying that he'll be able to ship it the next day. I waited 3 days (which is usually that time it takes for a package from across Australia to get to the other side). I then messaged him asking if he had sent it yet, he said no. It took him another 3 days after that to send it and now I was a little relieved. It took over a week and the whole time, he hadn't replied to any of my messages so I thought GAME OVER. I lost the gamble.
To my surprise it actually came, albeit it took 10 days to arrive. I thanked him and that was that. So now that's the story and reason of why I have two of the exact same airbrushes. A little long winded right?
So after all that, it has now taken me another month and a nit to upload this post for you guys to see. Sorry to make it so long and now you can enjoy the (not so amazing) 2 photos. I know, its not a lot and probably doesn't deserve a separate 'Package Arrival' post but I just had to put something up. I do apologize for not being an epic post or the full review but it's better than nothing (maybe?).



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Always room for more friends!
I also am currently selling items on ebay so have a look if your interested at all.
Any questions? Leave a comment if you have one or just wanna say something.