Sunday 15 June 2014

Bad Luck - Exam & Future Of This Blog

- Life Update -



Bad luck - exam 

Another life update and a quite rather unfortunate one. So at the moment it's 1:30 PM - approximately 30 minutes into my exam..... or so I would have thought. Turns out I missed my exam.
I woke up at 10:20 AM, thinking I would arrive to Uni about an hour and a half early, you know...for good caution and all. Wouldn't want to miss out on my exam of course. By the time I get ready and arrive at the bus stop, it's 10:56. Two minutes before my bus comes, awesome! It's 11:06, why hasn't the bus come yet? I look back on the timetable and what do you know, the bus w2as actually at 10:54. What a bummer! That's alright, I'll just get to Uni an hour early, that's still pretty good.
I walk back home because well, I'd rather wait 30 minutes at home for the next bus than 30 minutes at the bus stop. It's 11:20, okay 10 minutes before my bus comes, I'll get to the bus stop early before I miss this one - just in case.
I'm waiting at the bus stop and think, 'well I might as well look at my timetable, for extra precaution of course'. I look down and to my dismay, the timetable says my exam was at 9:00 AM! My whole world just fell at that moment. 'How could this happen to me?!?!'. Turns out, the exam that was at one was the exam I have tomorrow.
So now I'm writing this now because well, I feel really bad and I might as well update you guys as to what happening with me at the moment. Just a string of bad luck!
On the plus side, I am still able to redo the subject, albeit it'll cost me another $1300 or so. It's an online only course so I guess it wont really interfere with my 3 and a half month holiday at the end of the year. I only half to rock up to the exam so it's not exactly the end of the world but still a huge disappointment. It feels like I'm going through a string of trials and bad luck at the moment
One more plus, after my exam tomorrow and perhaps getting an earful from my parents tonight (hopefully sympathy will befall them), I'll be able to get back to building model kits and I'll finally be able to make a start on my goal of modifying plamo!

Some Side Notes:

I'll probably be receiving a package by the end of the week with to model kits. They'll be a very nice addition to my backlog (fortunately decreasing although slowly), and will be a very refreshing change from gunpla. Still Plamo but don't worry, I think a lot of you guys will really like what's coming so stay tuned!
I'll also probably be posting a new page on this blog with my wishlist or at least, hopeful kits.
With almost a month holiday from now until the next trimester begins, it'll give me the perfect opportunity to start editing the videos I've already got lined up.
The long awaited (no one's really waiting on it, just sounds better) Procon Boy FWA airbrush, Mg Nu Gundam Ver. Ka and Mg Barnaby Brooks Jr. reviews are all in the works and in time pipeline. A HG Age Fx build video(s) will are also in the plans along with a definite review for it.
One more note, I may make a separate page for review as well, just to easily locate them for those interested.
Well, that about does it for this update guys, a rather unfortunate one accommodated with some bright news that.
Once again guys, I thank you for taking the time to have a read and hope for all the best in your Plamo endeavours!
If your a member on the new hobbylinktv site, click on the link to see my profile. 
Always room for more friends!
I also am currently selling items on ebay so have a look if your interested at all.
Any questions? Leave a comment if you have one or just wanna say something.


  1. Sorry to hear about you missing your exam. Nice blog. Wondering if I can add you to my blog. Just started the blog and gunpla.

    1. Hey kaboku, thanks I appreciate it. But yeah, of course you can! I'll add you to my '"bloggers list" as well if you'd like.

  2. Thanks. I would also like for you to add me to your list.

    1. Not a problem at all. I've added you to the list and i'll be coming back every so often. Keep up the good work buddy.
